I’m Really Struggling to Lose Weight

Weight loss can be difficult when you attempt to do it independently. You can find pages upon pages of information online about fad diets and the latest exercise trends, but there’s no way of telling which information is based on evidence and research.
Losing weight can be especially difficult if you attempt to adhere to a diet that makes you feel restricted. You might struggle with strong cravings or the occasional urge to overeat. Both of these factors can be hurdles that inhibit you from reaching your goals.
The truth is that one-size-fits-all weight loss approaches aren’t an effective way to manage your weight. At our concierge practice on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York, Jeffrey Graf, MD, specializes in medical weight loss programs that account for your personal needs.
If you’ve really been struggling to lose weight, it’s time to take a new approach with a trusted weight management specialist at the helm.
Naming your goals
Dr. Graf talks openly with you about your ideal weight and what you’d like to get out of your customized weight loss program. Setting goals is the first step to getting on track with weight management, and Dr. Graf helps you set smaller, more achievable goals to help you achieve your final result.
During your initial visit, Dr. Graf also gives you a full examination and explores your health history, which helps him identify your needs in order to customize your plan to promote safe, healthy, effective weight loss.
Three phases to lose weight
Dr. Graf’s medical weight loss program relies on a three-phase model. By following your plan closely, you can transform your everyday habits without feeling restricted, putting an end to your struggle with losing weight for good.
The quick-start phase
The quick-start phase of your program involves a prescription diet filled with nutrients. It’s low in calories but doesn’t leave you feeling unsatiated. Dr. Graf also engages you with behavioral counseling regarding your habits around eating.
The transition phase
The transition phase of your medically supervised weight loss program follows the same low-calorie diet, but it reintroduces some of your favorite foods again. Dr. Graf supports you as you make behavioral modifications and develop a healthier lifestyle.
The maintenance phase
The final indefinite phase of your program helps you maintain your results over time.
Many ineffective weight loss plans offer results at first but ultimately are impossible to sustain, leading you to regain the weight. The maintenance phase of Dr. Graf’s medical weight loss program focuses on keeping you at your goal weight with all of the health and wellness benefits in tow.
Reaching your weight goals
Beyond optimizing the way you look and feel, healthy and controlled weight loss also leads to major benefits for your long-term health. Some diet programs and weight loss hacks may increase health risks, but you can rest assured that you’ll benefit long-term from your medical weight loss program with Dr. Graf.
Losing as little as 5%-10% of your body fat can improve your health in significant ways. Reducing the amount of fat on your body lowers your risk for:
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Certain cancers
- Arthritis
- Stroke
- High cholesterol
- High blood pressure
- Hormone imbalance
- Mood disorders such as depression
You might notice a few other general wellness benefits from losing weight too, such as having more energy, getting better sleep, and enjoying an improved sense of well-being.
If you’ve been struggling to lose weight, know that you don’t have to go it alone. Take part in a medical weight loss program as part of your concierge membership at Jeffrey Graf, MD. Contact us to schedule a consultation today.
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